26 JulY – 4 August 2019
Hof Oberlethe / Wardenburg / GerMANY































“Only those who are at home in themselves are ready for change.”

Thomas Hübl

About The Celebrate Life Festival

Now in its 16th year, the Celebrate Life Festival, which will be held from July 26 to August 4, 2019 at Hof Oberlethe near Oldenburg in Lower Saxony, has grown to become one of the largest consciousness events of its kind in Germany with international appeal. The number of visitors to the Celebrate Life Festival increases annually and currently stands at more than 1300 participants from 26 countries.

To learn more about the Celebrate Life Festival and its unique composition and flavor, visit our history page:

The initiator of the Celebrate Life Festival is the spiritual teacher Thomas Hübl. His work and exchanges with international pioneers and other spiritual teachers have resulted in innovative projects worldwide. The Celebrate Life Festival is organized together with the Pocket Project: www.pocketproject.org. This international project was initiated in 2016 as the fundraising project of the association and is devoted to increasing awareness and integration of collective and transgenerational trauma worldwide. The 9 days of the festival are organized into three modules, each inviting an in-depth look at connected aspects around this year’s main topic: HOME.

The Celebrate Life Festival is a powerful vessel for personal and cultural transformation.

In the company of visionaries, radical creatives, and deeply committed practitioners, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in a dynamic field of leading-edge spiritual practice. The depth of our own personal transformation liberates our capacity to respond creatively and whole-heartedly to the immense collective challenges we are facing. In the spirit of creative collaboration, warmed by the mystical fire, we invite you to join us in co-creating a new future for ourselves and the generations to come.

Main Topic: HOME

We all associate ‘home’ with something special – a place, a certain time, a smell, the family, an attitude of mind or tradition, a very subjective feeling of familiarity and belonging. Often, there is also a longing for something lost. Home may be something different for everyone and at the same time a deep collective feeling.

 At this year’s festival, Thomas Hübl and the guest speakers will explore the question of what home means in a dynamic process, and how we humans as cultural beings continually recreate home in our consciousness.

Home has many facets. In addition to the spatial dimension, home can also be experienced temporally, socially, culturally and spiritually. The German word that characterizes these aspects, Heimat, is difficult to translate into many languages, since it not only suggests a place of origin, but an entire attitude toward life. To be at home means on the whole: to be safe and embedded, to take a place, to have stable contact, to relax in something – in the best case in myself, in my family, the home country, the home planet and finally, in the eternal now, in the presence. The inner anchoring of feeling at home is not possible for many people who are often traumatically injured. Yet, it is particularly important in times of globalization and digitalization, migration and climate change, in order to be able to deal adequately with the changes in our society and our environment. What does it mean to have a home and at the same time be at home in change, and to be at home in the eternal interplay of life – stability and change? “Only those who are at home in themselves are ready for change,” says Thomas Hübl, the initiator and host of the Celebrate Life Festival. The 2019, 10-day non-profit event will take place for the 16th time, again at Hof Oberlethe in Northern Germany.

A cosmopolitan understanding of home

Home is not a counter-trend to globalization. It is a worldly understanding and experience of home, with a natural sense of responsibility for people, the earth and the pressing problems of our time.


The Celebrate Life Festival 2019  spans a wide range of exciting elements of the home experience,
in three modules:

Do I feel at home in myself? How stable is my basic feeling of security and belonging? Have I developed a healthy core from which I contact with the world? Are my family and ancestors a positive resource for me?



Do I feel at home in my homeland? How do I refer to Germany after the experiences of the 3rd Reich, of the war, and of a divided Germany? How does the east-west division in Germany and Europe continue having an effect today? How can I be at home in a world that is changing rapidly as a result of globalization, climate change and technological advancement? And how can I, as a local citizen, develop a global consciousness?



Do I feel at home in my homeland? How do I refer to Germany after the experiences of the 3rd Reich, of the war, and of a divided Germany? How does the east-west division in Germany and Europe continue having an effect today? How can I be at home in a world that is changing rapidly as a result of globalization, climate change and technological advancement? And how can I, as a local citizen, develop a global consciousness?


Can I leave the map behind me and settle in presence? Do I have access to the mystical space in which my life takes place? In this inner connection, do I lead an inspired life that is creative and innovative?
And do I have people in my environment with whom I can practice and strengthen a contemporary spiritual practice in my everyday life?




Read more about modules content.


Read more about modules content.

Speakers 2019


Thomas Hübl

Christina Bethell

Karen O’Brian

online call

Ken Wilber

online call

Tristan Harris

online call

Brian Swimme

Prof. Dr. Barbara v. Meibom

Jami Sieber


Thomas Hübl is a modern mystic, spiritual teacher, author and systems-thinker. His work integrates the essence of the great wisdom traditions, scientific knowledge and his own personal experience.

Thomas offers a unique approach to life as a ‘mystic in the marketplace’ and helps people to attain a deeper level of self-esteem and personal relationship, and to transcend a ‘culture of the personal’ and a self-centred worldview. Through his work, people from all walks of life learn how to become a living expression of spirit and how to participate in ‘we cultures’ through an embodied inner and outer connection. 

His teachings combine transformation through integration of trauma, somatic sensitization, advanced meditative practice, and a deepening understanding of culture processes.

Since 2004, Thomas’ leading-edge work has spread worldwide through workshops, multi-year training programs and online courses. The non-profit ‘Celebrate Life Festival’ brings together more than 1,200 people every year and has showcased a wide network of experts in various disciplines, through dialogue and exchange. In 2008 Thomas founded the ‘Academy of Inner Science’. This provided a framework for dialogue between the inner science of consciousness and the external scientific-academic exploration of life. Over the years Thomas has also organized several major healing events, aimed at healing the Holocaust’s cultural shadows. Thousands of Germans and Israelis have been brought together through these processes.

In 2016 Thomas founded the non-profit ‘Pocket Project’, with the aim of exploring collective trauma and shadow work and integrating this through large-scale group processes. A global organization has been launched, intended to research and explore specific aspects of local traumatization. This applies both to past traumas and also to current conflict zones.

Thomas was born in Austria in 1971 and now lives in Tel Aviv, Israel, with his wife, the Israeli artist Yehudit Sasportas and their daughter Eliya.

For more information about Thomas Hübl, visit thomashuebl.com.

The Pocket Project

The Celebrate Life Festival arose from an impulse to put spiritual practice into service, with the goal of cultural shift towards restoration and global health. As part of this desire, the Festival also serves as a platform for creating and supporting new frameworks for social and cultural connection. This year, the proceeds from the Festival will go to support the work of The Pocket Project:

The Pocket Project was founded in 2016 to care for one unique client: humanity itself. The project’s mission is to halt the vicious cycle of recurring collective trauma, ultimately integrating and reducing its impact on our global community. The Pocket Project is achieving its mission to assist with the collective integration of trauma, offering humanity much-needed healing at a critical time. The Project explores the depth of the “lake” of collective trauma in which we all exist without realizing it. When symptoms constantly arise, and yet go unrecognized as trauma symptoms, they will continue to reoccur. The Pocket Project builds cultures of prevention; trains and supports groups worldwide; offers tools for developing competencies; and combines the latest in psychological research in order to create a flexible web of care across cultures.

About Sharing the Presence e.V.

Sharing the Presence e.V.  is the hosting organization of Celebrate Life. Sharing the Presence e.V. is a non-profit organization founded in 2010, dedicated to conscious cultural change through raising awareness of the importance of mature participation in society. We facilitate intercultural communication and growth through small and large group events, conferences, festivals and other projects. Our work supports a sense of belonging to healthy social environments and a sense of becoming – through the opportunity to develop in life, in both individual and cultural terms.

Irrespective of one’s faith-tradition, origins, wealth, or political orientation, we aspire to learn from each other and to grow in our multi-perspectival capacity, transcending potential conflict and nurturing creative growth.

In our journey toward global citizenship, we seek to develop capacities and competencies through mutual learning, training and practice, to better face humanity’s global challenges. Change is a capacity that we can all learn and practice, so as to live together in a sustainable way in any given environment.

For more information about Sharing the Presence e.V. and the articles of association of this charitable association, visit www.sharingthepresence-e-v.com

This Year’s Core Team

This year’s core team is comprised of (left to right) Sven Prevrhal, Anne Vollborn, Frank Behrens, Ute Kostanjevec, Gerd Brandenburg and Tilo Feja. We have been working hard since September 2018. We are looking forward to welcoming you!


The Celebrate Life Festival 2019 is climate neutral. This was examined and certified by our partner myclimate, a non-profit foundation.

The topic of the festival makes clear that environmental protection is essential. Keeping the ecological footprint of the festival as small as possible is a major concern.

A large part of the electricity will therefore be produced by a solar plant on the roof of the festival hall; a biogas district heating network will provide hot water; and, wherever possible, our technical system uses LED lighting and energy-efficient amplifiers. The participants will for the most part be provided with organic and vegetarian food. There are also areas that we only can neutralize through CO2 compensation.

Together with our partner organization we are supporting a project in India to compensate our share of CO2, which amounts to 519 tons. In this project the biogas produced from cow dung replaces fuels such as firewood or kerosene. This share is allocated and paid with € 2 per day for each adult festival ticket.

However, the compensation does not cover the participants’ travel costs. The CO2 calculator from myclimate makes it possible for anyone to calculate the unavoidable emissions of their trip and donate a corresponding amount.

Already 2 attendees compensated their trip with a total amount of 0,5 tonnes CO2.