The Celebrate Life Festival 2019 program is rich and diverse. Whether you come alone, as a couple, or with your family – you will quickly experience yourself as a part of a living, creative community. You will be inspired by a variety of teachers and enter into lively exchanges with many different people. The program gives you opportunities to develop entirely new perspectives and experience expanded horizons. You are invited to learn more about your individual shadow, to transform limiting patterns, and become an active part of a new “Culture of We.”

The multifaceted program includes various offerings of meditation, movement, individual process work, lectures, workshops, and collective processes, as well as artistic performances and dance evenings. Begin your day with invigorating Body Awakening Practices or Yoga, experience the teachings of Thomas Hübl, participate in the seminar events and We Labs, and join in the around-the-clock meditation in the “Cave.” Or relax at the lake, walk the gardens and trails with a new friend, and grab a snack, tea, or coffee at the “Cafe at the Lake”.

Can’t participate in person? Our Live Stream

All of the session in the main hall will be broadcasted live. Plus you will have access to the recordings of these sessions until end of November 2019. Only € 66.- for single modules or € 158.- for the entire festival!  Check out the live stream page to see what is currently live!

7:00 till 7:50 am, Daily.

Body-Mind Awakening – Movement in the morning with Gary Joplin.

The Body-Mind Awakening Training from Gary Joplin is a daily invitation to deepen the connection between the physical, mental and energetic bodies, and an opportunity to more deeply ground and then open the body, both physically and energetically. Flowing, harmonious movement sequences supported by conscious breathing patterns are combined in a playful, organic way, allowing the body to simultaneously become more deeply grounded and to expand.

This work is based primarily on the principles of Gyrokinesis®, but also utilizes wisdom from yoga, Feldenkreis, and various dance forms. It is a great preparation for the morning meditation, as it not only fine-tunes the physical body, but also brings a heightened awareness to the subtle energy body while focusing and quieting the mind. Participants will leave the class feeling more grounded and alive with a new-found lightness and sense of bodily expansion.

7:00 till 7:50 am, Daily.

Yoga in the morning with Daniel

What happens when traditional Yoga meets western knowledge? A synthesis of deeper functional anatomical understanding and practical experience of the body. Meet the complexity of your body bit by bit. Learn to connect bodyparts in a new more vital and creative way. Create new exterior and interior space. Experience yourself more clearly and precisely connected to your body!

Embodied Intelligence
intensity – precision – vitality

6:00 pm, Daily.

Tonings with Thomas Hübl

Throughout the Festival, Thomas will lead “toning meditation” sessions every evening at 6:00 pm. Toning allows participants to drop into meditative states and gain a profound experience of space, presence, and connection. The sound fields that are created stimulate the potential for deep healing and can help us respond more authentically with love and clarity in daily life. Tonings can be very powerful experiences, especially in larger groups, and participants describe them as a sacred fields of coherence.

Toning sessions typically begin with the creation of a sound field of humming, gradually reaching a crescendo of ritual toning. Through the sound vibration and through the coherence that is built through the sounds in the group, participants can find an inner connection to the subtle higher dimension, to their own life’s experiences, or to deeper creativity, insights, and innovation.

Thomas describes toning as both an individual and collective experience. The beautiful sound-space of toning is a collective composition orchestrated with each individual’s voice. As the individual harmonizes with others in the collective space, each unique sound remains vital and powerful, supporting the collectively shared conscious space that yields mindfulness and wakefulness.

Daily meetings in smaller groups

WE Labs

WE Labs are groups of a maximum of eight festival participants. You become part of a WE Lab by drawing a ticket with the name of your WELab group at the Check-in.

With your WE Lab group you meet every day to exchange and deepen what moves you.


The WE Lab Team

Opportunities throughout the Festival

Transparent Communication Practice

Everyone communicates, but few of us understand how to fully open ourselves to the potential of the relational field and bring higher levels of awareness into even the briefest interpersonal exchanges.

The first time we encounter Transparent Communication® according to Thomas Hübl, it is simply a method of communication. With time, however, it can become an inner attitude, a life path, and a way to awaken to higher and higher levels of consciousness.

In the workshop, we will identify and deepen the principles of Transparent Communication and develop their practical use regarding communicative and spiritual competence during crisis.

24 Hour Meditation

The Cave Meditation

Shared meditation is an essential part of the Celebrate Life Festival. The Cave Meditation is a collective spiritual practice ongoing available 24 hours a day from the opening of the Festival until the closing. As in previous years, you will have the opportunity to meditate around the clock in the glass pavilion at the Zen Pond. The place at the pond has been consciously designed to be harmonious and is open day and night. This sacred space is cared for by the Cave Team.

Our intention is for people to intuitively come together to meditate, so that at least one person is always holding the space – also during the nights.

A continuous field of mindfulness gives rise to a powerful shared-space of peace, silence and inner reflection. All participants and the entire Festival team are invited to hold this collective meditative space, which reflects throughout the space of the Festival.

Daily for an early coffee, then from 12:00 until late

Cafe at the Lake

“We’re back again”: Kila and the team of invite you to come by, enjoy and have a great time at the Café at the Lake. In the morning, we open briefly for a breakfast cappuccino and then – from noon on – we are open until late. As in past years, everything we offer is made exclusively of organic products.

Relax and spoil yourself by enjoying full-bodied organic coffee with all varieties of milk, tea, hot chocolate, cereal coffee, and chai. We also offer delicious organic cake, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, organic smoothies, refreshing drinks, exquisite ice cream and much more.

Available as needed upon request

Assistants Team

The Assistants team has been an integral part of the festival for many years. If you require individual support in deep personal processes, there is skilled support and guidance available. All assistants have been engaged with Thomas Hübl’s work for an extensive period of time. They are also clinically or scientifically trained in psychotherapy or body therapy or have received intensive education and training in how to support process work at seminars and events. An assistant trainee may be present during individual sessions. Assistants are also available for other issues that arise, such as dealing with couple dynamics or one’s spiritual practice.

Booking sessions

Support for personal processes that arise in Thomas’s workshops is immediate and free, following his suggestion.  If you want to look more closely at an issue that appears, you can book a session with an assistant team member at a price of € 30,- (giving more is highly appreciated !).
The assistant team will pass on this money as a donation to the festival. Booking a session is therefore a direct financial contribution to projects promoted by the festival.

Childcare & Celebrate Life Family Program


The overall coordination of child and youth accompaniment is once again the responsibility of TransParents this year.

For the Celebrate Life Festival 2019 TransParents wants to deepen the translation of the mystical principles into the everyday being and living with children and to inspire parents for the “mysticism at the market place of family life”.

In addition to offers for children and young people of all ages, there will also be a variety of special offers for parents and companions to exchange ideas and explore the principles of parenthood together. Concrete inspirations will be given on how parenthood is embedded in a spiritual path.

The childcare services are linked to joint meetings with the parents in which contact with the child is reflected upon, explored and deepened. In addition, there are two afternoon workshops to deepen the knowledge.

The team consists of Teresa Heidegger, Kirsten Timmer and Carla Tradt. All three are in intensive training with Thomas Hübl and have the desire to translate his work into the everyday being with children. TransParents has been training parents and educators in annual trainings for 4 years.

If your child(ren) wish to participate in the childcare program and has not yet exceeded 18 years of age,  we need a signed “Parents’ Letter” from you as their parents. This letter must be brought to the childcare area!  The letter can be downloaded here.

Please note that everybody needs a festival ticket, including all children.

More Informationen here: and



Daily from 10 am to 1.30 pm  & during toning from approx. 6 pm to 7 pm – free of charge!

The children’s area is an important part of the festival. The childcare team takes care of the youngest guests lovingly and respectfully. Here the children should feel comfortable, safe and accepted. The prepared environment offers many stimulating toys and materials, with which the children can be active on their own initiative and deepen themselves in self-chosen games and activities.

The team works with a strong sense of commitment and accompanies the children in all their emotional states. Parents are explicitly invited to be with the children in the tent to practice undivided attention and presence with their children.

Please note that everybody needs a festival ticket, including all children.

Important: Please bring the completed parents’ letter.

Registration and further information :

AGE: 7/8 - 12/13 YEARS OLD

Youth and Children’s tent  “JUKI”

Daily from 10.15 am to 1.30 pm & from 3.15 pm to 5.45 pm – free of charge!

The JUKI team lovingly and respectfully looks after the children from 7/8 to 12/13 years.

The prepared environment offers a safe, secure space with many stimulating toys and materials, with which the children can be active on their own initiative and deepen themselves in self-chosen games and activities.

The team works with a strong focus on commitment, perceives the children in their activities and their being and accompanies them. There is a framework with simple rules and clear boundaries so that everyone feels safe and secure. Parents are explicitly invited to be with the children in the tent to practice undivided attention and presence with their children.

Important: Please bring the completed parents’ letter.


AGE: 13 - 17 YEARS OLD "teens" (new)

We are happy about young people at the Celebrate-Life-Festival and this year we provide a special offer for everyone aged 13 – 17 years. Together we are building a room of trust, which will be our home during the festival and invites us to research and exchange on the topic of “home”. We deal, for example, with questions such as:
Where and when do I feel comfortable? When do I feel at home in myself? When not?
What gives me stability and security in life?
In times of change where do I recharge myself and what gives me joy?
What inspires me?

We draw on many years of experience in working with young people and a rich pool of rituals and exercises from movement and experience pedagogy as well as boys and girls rounds. In addition to concrete offers, we also look together at how individual needs and one’s own pace find their place in community.

We meet daily from 10:15 – 13:30 and from 15:30 – 17:30.

We are looking forward to meeting the parents! It is very dear to us to be there with you parents for the young people and to provide common caring. You have the possibility to meet us in the morning from 10:15 – 10:30 and also on every first day of a module from 14:45 – 15:30.

We are looking forward to the time together with you!
Linda & Matthias

Please note that everybody needs a festival ticket, including all children.

Important: Please bring the completed parents’ letter.

More information here:

AGE: 17 - 30 YOUNG PEOPLE - Boomerang

Being alive between home and freedom – Living and exploring self-responsible freedom – Offer for young people between 17-30 years to exchange experiences with other young people, to participate together in the main program, triad work, letting go, exchange in large groups, deepening the themes of the festival in relation to one’s own needs: How can I find and live what inspires me and feel at home in myself and the world?

Important: Please bring the completed parents’ letter if you are under 18.

Registration and further information :