The Festival comes alive and lives through you!

We are looking for dedicated, friendly and attentive people who will support us in the multifaceted tasks that arise at a big festival. If you would like to join and invest time, please contact our team immediately using this form. First select the area that appeals to you the most and then complete the following fields. When submitting the form, the respective team coordinator receives an email with your information and will contact you promptly!




Will I get a Ticket discount ?

This is a non-profit festival, all speakers and artists are volunteering as you may know. The shared spirit of giving back applies to all aspect and everyone. For that reason discounts are not granted for volunteering.

I am flexible to help in different areas. Where do you need me the most?

All kinds of talents and skills are needed, many of us have multiple responsibilities. Please send an e-mail with your offerings using the form above.

What will I do if I help with Setup?

You will do jobs that fit to your skills and likings and you will be supported in what you do in case of need by the rest of the set up team. Moving furniture, decorating, laying of carpets in the tents, setting up the stage, check-in area aso. We work in small teams and make sure we are having fun. The set up team carries the spirit of being hosts of the festival preparing the space.
The team starts 3 days prior to the beginning of the festival.

What will I do if I help with keeping the Cave going?

The cave in on 24hrs a day throughout the festival. You can contact Elke now using the form above or get in contact with the cave team on the festival and sign up  for certain hours of meditation and caring for the cave space.

What will I do if I help with ... x ?

Send us your specific question using the form above.

Can I help in any other way?

Yes, please go back to helping.




Simultaneous Translation (English-German, German-English)
Pavithra Novak · clf@pavithranovak.net
Mob: +49 (0) 163 7697332

Care of the large hall or other assistance
Thilo Weiser  thilo.weiser@posteo.de
Mob.: +49 (0) 176 50048631

Setup and Dismantling
Wolfram Henrichsmeier· whenrichsmeier@web.de
Mob.: +49 (0) 176 64256555

Support for Team Hof Oberlethe

Cave Core Team 
Elke Pfister · elke_pfister_1@hotmail.com
Mob.: +49 (0) 173 2657940