Privacy Policy

Information on data processing in accordance with the Basic Data Protection Ordinance (DSGVO)


Last updated August 20, 2018


I. General information

  • 1. Responsible person, contact data
  • 2. Validity: affected websites (domains)
  • 3. Data protection officer, contact details

II. Information on data processed by Sharing the Presence e.V.

  • 4. Purpose of data processing; legal basis
  • 5. Categories of data to be processed
  • 6. Categories of recipients
  • 7. Transfer to third country
  • 8. Storage time
  • 9. Rights of the persons concerned
  • 10. Right to revoke consent; right of objection
  • 11. Right of appeal against the supervisory authority
  • 12. Sources

III. Information on data processed when visiting this website or when using its functions

  • 13. Contact form and newsletter, transfer to third countries
  • 14. Cookies and plug-ins, transfer to third countries
  • 15. Hyperlinks


I. General information

1. person responsible, contact data

The person responsible for the processing of personal data by Sharing the Presence (STP) is

Sharing the Presence e.V.
Represented by chairman Thomas Hübl
Wardenburger Str. 24
26203 Wardenburg
Phone: +49 (0)4407 – 71 60 94

2. Validity: affected websites (domains)

3. Data protection officer, contact details



II. Information on data processed by Sharing the Presence e.V.

4. Purpose of data processing; legal basis

4.1 STP processes personal data

  • To guarantee and promote its corporate purpose, in particular the organization, management, communication and marketing of lessons, teaching and workshop formats, concepts and strategies, rights (e.g. intellectual property rights such as copyrights, industrial property rights such as trademark rights, personal rights and other rights), and other activities or the resulting creations of Thomas Hübl as a modern, mystical, spiritual teacher, author, and systems thinker.
  • To establish, execute, or terminate contractual relationships for the above-mentioned purpose, including employment relationships.
  • To fulfil obligations arising from statutory regulations in connection with the above-mentioned purposes, such as tax, social security, supervisory, or regulatory regulations.

4.2 Processing takes place

  • On the basis of the consent of the persons concerned (cf. Art. 6 para. 1 item a DSGVO),
  • because this is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract with the persons concerned or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures that take place at the request of the persons concerned (cf. Art. 6 para. 1 item b DSGVO),
  • because this is necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests of STP, its affiliated companies, or any other third party, unless the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of the data subjects, which require the protection of personal data, prevail (cf. Art. 6 Para. 1 Item f DSGVO) or
  • because this is permitted under other legal provisions.

It is in the legitimate interest of STP to promote its corporate purpose and to cooperate with its affiliated companies for this purpose.

The legitimate interests of third parties are above all

  • the interests of the companies affiliated with STP to cooperate with STP to promote the business purpose of the company,
  • the interests of those who wish to learn about, learn, or practice the teachings of Thomas Hübl, practice, or teach, convey or communicate them,
  • the interests of the commercial, sales, business, and other contractual partners of STP, and the public, to initiate and/or process contractual relations with STP within the scope of the object of the company or in connection therewith and/or to be informed and communicate about the object of the company or the manner of cooperation within the scope of the contractually agreed and/or the legally permissible.

5. Categories of data to be processed

In particular, names, companies, or other designations of natural and legal persons, their contact data (such as address, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses etc.), health data (such as general state of health and medication), and the data required for the processing of payment services (such as bank and account data etc.), for payroll, accounting, and other personal data serving the purpose of processing under No. 3.

6. Categories of recipients

The third parties listed under point 3.2 with whom STP cooperates, communicates, or is contractually or actually associated to promote the processing purpose.

STP works with order processors, particularly to handle its electronic communications. These are mainly providers of database and communication software and providers of cloud services on which the software is hosted. For this purpose, personal data may be transmitted to order processors.

7. Transfer to third country

STP transfers personal data in individual cases and only for the stated purposes under the conditions of a binding order processing contract to the following company affiliated with STP, based in a country outside the EU (third country):

Inner Science LLC (InnerScience)
Managing Director: Thomas Hübl
2 Ranch Drive
Novato, CA 94945, USA
Phone: 415.785.3064<

Inner Science is subject to the instructions of STP regarding the way in which the data is processed. In particular, Inner Science is obligated vis-à-vis STP to transfer or delete the data after the processing purpose has been achieved, after the end of the order processing agreement, or on the instructions of STP.

The processing of the data is subject to the legal regulations applicable there. There is no adequacy resolution of the EU Commission and no adequate guarantees in accordance with the DSGVO. In principle, this entails at least legal and actual risks for those affected in the assertion and enforcement of claims and rights, especially with regard to their personal data.

8. Storage time

STP stores personal data only as long as the consent of the persons concerned is available or it is necessary to fulfil the processing purpose according to No. 3. If these requirements are no longer met, such data is deleted from STP.

The duration of the storage and deletion of the data is subject to the proviso that statutory provisions regarding their storage or deletion do not permit or provide otherwise.

9. Rights of the persons concerned

Data subjects affected by the processing of their personal data may have rights vis-à-vis STP to obtain information on the personal data concerning them, to have such data corrected, to have the data deleted, and to restrict their processing and transferability of data.

10. Right to revoke consent; right of objection

If the data subjects have consented to the processing of their personal data by STP, they have the right to revoke their consent at any time.

If the processing is carried out in the overriding interest of STP or third parties (cf. Art. 6 para. 1 item f DSGVO), they also have the right to object to such processing for reasons arising from a particular situation of the data subject.

The revocation or the objection shall be made in writing or in text form to:

Sharing the Presence e.V.
Wardenburger Str. 24
26203 Wardenburg
Phone: +49 (0)4407 – 71 60 94

11. Right of appeal to the supervisory authority, right of appeal

Data subjects have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority if they consider that the processing of their personal data is contrary to the DSGVO. They also have the right to a judicial remedy if they consider that their rights under the DSGVO have been infringed by processing their personal data in breach of the DSGVO.

12. Sources

STP processes personal data primarily because they have been communicated to STP by the data subjects or recipients in accordance with No. 5 above, particularly in connection with business and company-related communication, if this is not expressly or recognizably for purely private purposes, and from publicly accessible sources in which this data is made public voluntarily or on the basis of legal provisions, such as imprints on websites or social networks or public directories/registers.


III. Information on data processed when visiting this website or when using its functions

13. Contact form and newsletter, transfer to third countries

The data entered by visitors of one of our websites (see I. 2.) in the fields for ordering our newsletter or of one our contact forms will be collected, temporarily stored, and transmitted to us by the order processors specified below, based in other EU countries, and used by us under the circumstances mentioned in paragraphs 1 – 10 above, if the user has given his or her prior consent to this transmission and use by clicking the boxes provided there. We draw attention to the risks described in No. 6 above.

13.1. Rocketgenius, Inc. 1620 Centerville Turnpike, Suite 102, Virginia Beach VA 23464-6500, USA (

13.2 Elegant Themes, Inc. 1233 Howard Street, Apartment 3A, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA (

13.3. Rock Lobster, LLC (

13.4. WP Ninjas, LLC (

13.5. FameThemes, Inc. (


14. Cookies and plug-ins, transfer to third countries

The programs that display our internet pages via the domain and its subdomains during a visit via a web browser and are stored on our web server (our Internet pages), use so-called cookies.

These are files that can place and exchange information between our Internet pages or our web server and the visitor’s web browser, or program elements on our internet page of operators of other internet pages (social media) that connect to the servers of the operators of other internet pages and thus also cause the exchange of information that is collected by visiting our Internet page (e.g. IP addresses).

The transmission of data caused by these functions also takes place to companies that are not based in EU member states (third countries), namely the operators of social media listed below. We would like to point out that this transmission of personal data, such as IP addresses, can lead to processing that cannot be influenced by us (e.g. creation of profiles). The processing of this data in the respective third country is subject to the legal regulations applicable there. There is no adequacy resolution of the EU Commission and no adequate guarantees according to the DS-GMO. This entails legal and actual risks for those affected in the assertion and enforcement of claims and rights, especially with regard to their personal data.

We have therefore, made the use of these internet pages dependent on visitors’ consent to the use of the cookies and plug-ins listed below.

You also have the option of preventing the installation of cookies by making the appropriate settings in your internet browser. This can be selected in the browser settings under, “do not accept cookies”. If the browser does not accept cookies, the range of functions of the website may be limited.

14.1 Our web servers WP Engine, Irongate House, 22-30 Duke´s Place, London, EC3A 7LP, United Kingdom and ALL-INKL.COM, Hauptstraße 68, 02742 Friedersdorf, Germany, use cookies that are used to generate server log files, i.e. files that contain information that is exchanged during communication between the visitor’s web browser and our web server when visiting our internet pages, including the IP addresses. In this respect, a personal reference could be established in principle. However, this data collection takes place without our cause and will and without our influence.

14.2 Our websites use plugins from the social networks Facebook and Instagram. The providers are Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland and Facebook Inc. 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA, and 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA, respectively. When you visit our website or click the Facebook “Like” button or the Instagram “Follow-Us” button, direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server can be established via the plug-ins. Facebook receives certain information. We would like to point out that we are not aware of the content of the data transmitted or how it is used by Facebook.

14.3 Our websites use Google Analytics, a service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA. Google Analytics is an internet analysis service that collects information that arises during visits to internet pages. This information is transmitted to Google LLC. We would like to point out that we are not aware of the content of the data transmitted or how it is used by Google

14.4 For integration and presentation of video content, our internet pages use plugins from YouTube. The video portal is provided by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. When calling a page with an integrated YouTube plugin, a connection to YouTube’s servers can be established. This gives YouTube certain information. We would like to point out that we are not aware of the content of the transmitted data nor of its use by YouTube.

14.5 Our websites use the Twitter service provided by Twitter Inc, 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. By using Twitter and the “Re-Tweet” function, the websites you visit are linked to your Twitter account and made known to other users. Data is also transmitted to Twitter. We would like to point out that we are not aware of the content of the data transmitted or how it is used by Twitter.

14.6 Our internet pages use plugins of the LinkedIn service. The provider is LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA and LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. When calling one of our pages with an integrated LinkedIn-Plugin or by clicking the, “Recommend-Button”, a connection to LinkedIn’s servers can be established and certain information can be transmitted to LinkedIn. We point out that we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data and their use by LinkedIn.

14.7 Our internet pages use plugins of the Pinterest service. Providers are Pinterest Europe Ltd, Palmerston House, 2nd Floor, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and Pinterest Inc, 651 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. When you visit our website or click the, “Pinterest Parts”, button there, a direct connection between your browser and the Printerest servers can be established via the plugins. Pinterest receives certain information. We would like to point out that we have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or of their use by Pinterest.

15. Hyperlinks

Our Internet pages contain electronic associations (hyperlinks) to the electronic information and communication services of third parties (services). By “clicking” these hyperlinks, visitors to our internet pages are referred to these services. It is likely that the resulting visit to these services will result in their providers or other third parties collecting personal data, such as IP addresses. STP is not responsible for the content of these services, nor for the collection of personal data by the providers of the services or other third parties that may be caused by the triggering of the references by clicking the hyperlinks.