Celebrate Life Festival 2018

Restoring a Fragmented World

August 12-17

Omega Institute

Rhinebeck, New York, USA

CLF 2019

The Celebrate Life Festival 2019 will take place from 26 July to 4 August 2019 at the Hof Oberlethe in Wardenburg, near Oldenburg, in Northern Germany. Further information will be available in spring 2019 – then the registration will also be opened. At the moment we can’t give you more information.


Das Celebrate Live Festival 2019 findet vom 26. Juli bis 4. August 2019 in Hof Oberlethe in Wardenburg, Deutschland statt. Weitere Informationen sind im Frühjahr 2019 verfügbar – dann wird auch die Anmeldung eröffnet. Aktuell können wir noch keine weiteren Informationen geben.


Featured Speakers and Artists

Thomas Hübl

angel Kyodo williams

William Ury

Konda Mason

Terry Real

Sweet Honey in the Rock

Terry Patten

Yehudit Sasportas

The Celebrate Life Festival is a powerful vessel for personal and cultural transformation.

In the company of visionaries, radical creatives, and deeply committed practitioners, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in a dynamic field of leading edge spiritual practice. This year, in response to the intensity of the fragmentation we are experiencing in our world, we will come together to explore essential practices of healing and restoration. The depth of our own personal transformation liberates our capacity to respond creatively and whole-heartedly to the immense collective challenges we are facing. With the impeccable guidance of renowned spiritual teacher Thomas Hübl, The Celebrate Life Festival has evolved into a unique, catalytic, and highly acclaimed event. After fourteen years as one of the most popular and dynamic consciousness events in Europe, the Festival will open for the first time here in the United States.

In the spirit of creative collaboration, warmed by the mystical fire, we invite you to join us in co-creating a new future for ourselves and the generations to come.

The Celebrate Life Festival arose from an impulse to engage spiritual practice as a means of initiating a cultural shift towards restoration and global health.

Nourished by a strong desire to give back to the greater community and an authentic assumption of responsibility for global care, this Festival is dedicated to creating new frameworks for social and cultural connection. This year, the proceeds from the Festival will go to support the work of The Pocket Project for Collective and Intergenerational Trauma Integration. The Pocket Project was founded in 2016 to care for one unique client: humanity itself. The project’s mission is to halt the vicious cycle of recurring collective trauma, ultimately integrating and reducing its impact on our global community.

Can’t participate in person? All of the session in the main room will be broadcast live. Plus you will have access to the recordings of these sessions until November 18. Only $99! Click the button below for program details.


The Celebrate Life Festival will invite you to dive into a totally new kind of creative space. Through deep explorations of language, movement, and relationship you will become living incubators for personal and cultural innovation. Profound spiritual teachings alternate with small group practice sessions and inspired conversations between Thomas Hübl, global leaders, visionaries, and participants. Your participation and interaction, in the intensity of this generative field, is the ground for an emergence of brilliant new forms and possibilities.


At the Celebrate Life Festival, your practice will deepen and evolve. You’ll be immersed in a high-intensity field that opens you to a radical presence and aliveness. As you practice with others, you’ll find a sense of grounding and stability that will expand your capacity for intimacy and innovation. Evening tonings, deep meditative practice, transparent communication, and triad work give you the opportunity to truly embody the transformation catalyzed by the Festival.


The body is the ground of authentic transformation. Without embodiment, we struggle to fully manifest the gifts of our spiritual practice. At Celebrate Life, a variety of skillful practitioners will offer practices to awaken and heal our relationship with the body. These spaces are an invitation for you to experience the heightened aliveness of awareness permeating the body and dissolving the separation between body, mind, and spirit.


Spontaneous creativity, joy, and playfulness abound at the Celebrate Life Festival. Dancing late into the evenings to great DJ’s and live bands, you’ll experience the freedom of radical self-expression. Beyond entertainment, these nights of music and dancing offer you the chance to meet yourself and others in the raw beauty of authentic revelation. A profound sense of intimacy and expansiveness are the sacred gifts of these celebratory spaces.


At the core of the Celebrate Life Festival is the community. We meet on our edges and in our depths, with curiosity, vulnerability, and radical transparency. The environment invites us into a depth of authenticity we may never have experienced before. This is the true possibility of the Celebrate Life Festival: to awaken and heal inside the love and power of this relational field.

Praise for the Festival from Past Participants

“My experiences of several Celebrate Life Festivals have been life changing. This festival is unique as it is not a retreat away from life, but a high energy field where we can intimately and joyfully rest in being, discover ourselves anew and celebrate our deepest humanity.  Thomas and his team provide a very high level of listening skill akin to a great conductor/healer. I continue to be informed by these profound times.  I loved the feeling of ease and openness in this dynamic, loving field. I found true reason in myself to celebrate here. This is definitely a place where the soul can sing and the heart can come home to delight in loving communion with kindred spirits.”
- Myrissa L., Oakland, California

“Celebrate Life promises to offer a powerful experience of Thomas Hübl’s profound teaching and practices aimed at relating across differences and helping to heal our fragmented world. Thomas is complemented by guest speakers who provide practical and scientific perspectives. I found last year’s Celebrate Life in Germany to be interesting, fun, and highly worthwhile and am looking forward to the first Celebrate Life in North America.”

- David S., El Cerrito, California

“For several Times in succession the Festival was the very highlight of my year. Yet it remains a mystery to me how we can simultaneously host the abundance of life’s dimensions that open up for us to celebrate. No large-scale event ever was so refreshing and energizing, regardless of me being a member of the team or a participant. What an opportunity now for the US Sangha!”

- Ronald P., Oberlethe, Germany

“The Celebrate Life Festival is truly a feast. The experience of being in a community that is willing to work with such depth and realness is transformative. This is created by the teaching, the toning, the transmission and the presence of Thomas Hübl. His mastery is a wonder to experience and imbibe.”

- Louise M., Waiheke Island, New Zealand

“The Celebrate Life Festival is a unique event in that it combines profound teachings and the joys of being together. It is actually what the title indicates – an opportunity to celebrate life and each other in an environment of beauty and sacredness.”

- Vera A., New York City, New York

Omega Institute

This year, for the first time in over a decade, the Celebrate Life Festival will take place in the United States at the beautiful Omega Retreat Center in Rhinebeck, New York. Omega, a nonprofit center for lifelong learning in New York’s Hudson Valley, offers workshops, professional training, and wellness vacations, both on its Rhinebeck campus and at exceptional locations around the world. Omega’s programs inspire an integrated approach to personal and social change. Omega provides a forum for people to be exposed to new ideas and ways of navigating an increasingly complex world in the presence of leading thinkers of the day.

About Thomas

Thomas Hübl, founder of The Celebrate Life Festival, is a modern mystic, a spiritual teacher whose work integrates the core insights of the great wisdom traditions with the discoveries of contemporary science, illuminating both with his profound understanding. Thomas’s teachings offer a unique approach for living as a mystic in the “marketplace” of human activity. His work combines somatic awareness practices, advanced meditative practices, a sophisticated analysis of cultural architecture, and transformational processes that address trauma and shadow issues. His teachings aim to guide practitioners toward a deeper level of self-awareness—from an ego-centered worldview to a life of authentic expression, service, and alignment.